TPMS Service Kits | 12 Pack | Valve Screw 2 Washers Grommet Nut Core Cap | Fits Aston Martin | Audi | VW Equivalent to 1092 | 20037 | Used for OE Sensors 7PP-907-275-F

  • OE manufactures require maintenance of the TPMS valve with each tire service. Similar to replacing the rubber valve stem. PDQ service kits contains all the components necessary to service the valves to the OE standard.
  • PDQ has been in the sensor business for over 15 years. We are an American company providing quality products and service. All products are Engineered and developed in the US by our US staff. PDQ is proud to create opportunities for our employees in our community for Americans.
  • PDQ TPMS Service Kits are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure reliable performance and durability, it is constructed of high quality material. Every component has undergone extensive professional testing, to ensure trouble-free installation and excellent performance.
  • Always use SHOP BY VEHICLE to validate product fitment to your vehicle. 

In stock

SKU 1092-20037
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