Search results for: 'd2r tpms 998628 40'

Loading... `; return loader; } function addAjaxLoader(button, loader) { button.setAttribute('data-label', button.getAttribute('aria-label')); button.removeAttribute('aria-label'); button.prepend(loader); button.classList.add('relative', '[&>:not(.loader)]:invisible'); button.disabled = true; } function removeAjaxLoader(button, loader) { button.setAttribute('aria-label', button.getAttribute('data-label')); button.removeAttribute('data-label'); loader.remove(); button.classList.remove('[&>:not(.loader)]:invisible'); button.disabled = false; } window.setAjaxCart = ({ formSelectors = ['#product_addtocart_form', '.product_addtocart_form'], extraDelay = 500 } = {}) => { const forms = document.querySelectorAll(formSelectors.toString()); forms.forEach(form => { form.addEventListener('submit', async (event) => { event.preventDefault(); const formData = new FormData(form); const button = form.querySelector('button') ? form.querySelector('button') : document.getElementById('product-addtocart-button'); const loader = createAjaxLoader(button); const postUrl =; let bodyUrl = new URLSearchParams(formData); bodyUrl.append("uenc", hyva.getUenc()); addAjaxLoader(button, loader); try { const response = await fetch(postUrl, { method: 'POST', body: bodyUrl.toString(), mode: "cors", credentials: "include", headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' } }); if (!response.ok) { return form.submit(); } if (response.redirected) { return window.location.href = response.url; } window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("reload-customer-section-data")); const productFormData = { productId: formData.get("product"), options: {} } for (const formEntry of formData.entries()) { if (!formEntry[0].startsWith('super_attribute')) continue; const formEntryOption = { [formEntry[0].match(/\[(\d+)\]/)[1]]: formEntry[1] }; productFormData.options = { ...productFormData.options, ...formEntryOption }; } window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('toggle-ajax-cart', { detail: productFormData })); } catch (err) { console.warn(err); window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('product-addtocart-error')); if (typeof window.dispatchMessages === "undefined") return; window.dispatchMessages([{ text:'There\u0020was\u0020a\u0020problem\u0020adding\u0020your\u0020item\u0020to\u0020the\u0020cart.', type: 'error' }], 5000); } finally { setTimeout(() => removeAjaxLoader(button, loader), extraDelay); } }); }); } window.setAjaxCart(); function initAjaxCartModal() { return { open: false, cart: {}, totalCartAmount: 0, cartItem: null, showSku: true, sortObjectByNumberKey(obj) { let keys = Object.keys(obj).map(Number).sort((a, b) => a - b); let sortedObj = {}; keys.forEach(key => sortedObj[key] = obj[key]); return sortedObj; }, getCurrentProductFromCart(productData) { if (!this.cart.items) return; this.cartItem = this.cart.items.filter((item) => { if (item.product_id !== productData.productId) return; if (item.product_type !== "configurable") { return item; } let cartItemOptions = {}; for (const option of item.options) { const filterOptions = { [option.option_id]: option.option_value }; cartItemOptions = { ...cartItemOptions, ...filterOptions } } const cartItemOptionsCompare = JSON.stringify(this.sortObjectByNumberKey(cartItemOptions)); const productDataOptionsCompare = JSON.stringify(this.sortObjectByNumberKey(productData.options)); if (cartItemOptionsCompare === productDataOptionsCompare) { return item; } }); if (this.cartItem > 1) { this.cartItem = this.cartItem.slice(0, 1); } this.cartItem = this.cartItem[0]; }, getData(data, productData) { if (!data.cart) return; this.cart = data.cart; this.totalCartAmount = this.cart.summary_count; this.getCurrentProductFromCart(productData); }, getItemCountText() { if (this.totalCartAmount > 1) { return hyva.strf('(\u00250\u0020items)', this.totalCartAmount); } return hyva.strf('(\u00250\u0020item)', this.totalCartAmount); }, openDialog() { if (!this.cartItem) return; this.$root.showModal(); = true; this.scrollLock(; }, closeDialog() { this.$root.close(); = false; this.scrollLock(; }, scrollLock(use = true) { = use ? "hidden" : ""; }, onDialogBackdropClickHelper(event, target) { const rect = target.getBoundingClientRect(); const isInDialog = <= event.clientY && event.clientY <= + rect.height && rect.left <= event.clientX && event.clientX <= rect.left + rect.width; return isInDialog; }, dialogListeners: { ['@keydown.window.escape']() { this.closeDialog(); }, ['@click'](event) { if (this.onDialogBackdropClickHelper(event, this.$root)) return; this.closeDialog(); }, ['@toggle-ajax-cart.window'](event) { if (!event.detail) return; const productData = event.detail; window.addEventListener('private-content-loaded', (event) => { this.getData(, productData); if (! { this.openDialog(); } else { this.closeDialog(); } }, { once: true }); } } } } -->