PDQ TPMS 315 MHZ Tire Pressure Sensor Rubber StemFor Toyota Lexus Scion Direct Replacement For OE Part # 42607-0C070 | 42607-0C050 | 42607-0C030 | 42607-08010

  • ❌ OBDII RELEARN | TPMS Scan Tool with OBDII is Required | Install Sensors | Adjust tire pressures to placard value | Using Scan Tool, Scan tires starting at LF | Repeat for RF, RR, LR, and Spare if required |Turn Ignition ON, ACC Position | Follow instructions on scan tool | Disconnect OBD | Turn ignition OFF | Drive vehicle to complete process
  • Always use SHOP BY VEHICLE to validate product fitment to your vehicle. This item fits
  • Replaces Original Equipment Sensors For Toyota Lexus Scion OE Part #'s 42607-0C070 | 42607-0C050 | 42607-0C030 | 42607-08010
  • PDQ has been in the sensor business for over 15 years. We are an American company providing quality products and service. All products are Engineered and developed in the US by our US staff. PDQ is proud to create opportunities for our employees in our community for Americans.
  • PDQ tire pressure sensors are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure reliable performance and durability, it is constructed of high quality material, premium chip and durable lithium battery, every component has undergone extensive professional testing—including signal, operational temperature, thermal shock, humidity, and proof pressure to ensure trouble-free installation and excellent performance.
  • 2 Year Warranty - Our replacement sensor comes with 2 year warranty, it can last 5+ years under normal usage. If the replacement sensor fails or stops working, simply contact us for free replacement or refund. Save hundreds off of dealer prices and take advantage of our products and services.

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